This section is the result of many years working and researching cultural heritage in Yorkshire during the twentieth century, specifically music and moving image histories.

Memory Dance Memory Dance

Alf Bower and The Yorkshire Communications Centre

It all beginsAlf Bower was appointed the Yorkshire Communications Centre (YCC) Manager in 1975, and for the next fifteen years under his stewardship, and technical expertise, the provision for aspiring film and video makers increased dramatically in the region. He was also a director of seven films, collaborator on many more, and a gifted dubbing engineer and sound technician. His Yorskhire Arrts Assocciation (YAA)-sponsored film The Party At Diamond Jacks is a testament to his solitary vision, and was a project he worked on for over a decade. In many respects Alf Bower is central to the story of the YAA, and because he was a core part of the region’s film and video culture for so many years, his career trajectory is worth studying at length.with an idea.

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